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Meet Dr Brett Stevens (Chiropractor)

A Well-Rounded Education

Dr Brett Stevens with patientHaving initially attended the University of New South Wales, I began my chiropractic studies in Melbourne at ICC/PIT. During this five-year degree program, I studied many courses including biochemistry, nutrition, pathology, physiology, anatomy, neuroanatomy, x-ray, diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques and patient care.

After graduation, chiropractor Dr Brett had the good fortune to work with chiropractor Dr Alan Brady. This laid the foundation for him to become a proficient practitioner of chiropractic. Dr. Brett, chiropractor, has practiced in clinics in Bathhurst, Dublin, UK and Sydney and has been associated with Corrimal Family Chiropractic Centre for the past 9 years.

The Conservative Approach to Health

Dr Brett (Chiropractor) encourages his clients to use natural approaches wherever possible for spinal and health challenges.

An Active, Healthy Family

Dr Brett (Chiropractor) and his wife Jane have three children, Mia, Lachlan and Serena.  He enjoys sports, travelling and cultural interactions.


Dr Brett Stevens (Chiropractor) | (02) 4284 8009